New Moon in Pisces Ritual

New Moon in Pisces Ritual


The New Moon

New Moons are all about starting fresh. Recognizing goals and setting them up for success in the time to come as you go through the moon cycle. When we are under a new moon, it is important to manifest the things you want most. This is a more in depth version of a new moon ritual.


Pisces New Moon

The Pisces is a sign that is very strong and has specific abilities linked to psychic visions and emotional control. A Pisces can walk in a room and make everyone feel their love or feel their disaster. You will feel them though as their sign radiates with power that cannot be passed by.  Pisces is ruled by Neptune which is known for being associated with dreams and desires. This is where the Pisces got their emotional powers from.  It is fine to feel strong and dabble in fantasy, but you can also be easily distracted and find yourself in an alternate reality if you don’t gauge the power this planet gives off properly.


What to use this New Moon for:

  • Fighting Addiction/addictive behaviors
  • Identifying Desires and Goals
  • Cleansing Space
  • Beginning Projects
  • Meeting New People
  • Start a New Book
  • Learn Something New
  • Opening up for new love


New Moon Ritual

For this ritual were going to go into considering our goals and desires. This full ritual will take 1-3 hours depending on what parts you feel to incorporate. I suggest doing the entire ritual if you would like to embrace the full power of the Pisces New moon. Don’t miss out if you have the time!


  1. Cleanse: Clean you space and your body. While you do want to have time to finish other parts of the ritual, I highly suggest doing as much cleaning as you possibly can. During the cleaning put on meditation or sound bath music. Here’s a link to a High Self Sound Bath. Definitely clean your alter space, kitchen, and bathroom as these will all be used for your ritual. After you clean up light sage or use protection/cleansing spray and say this chant:


             All bad energy leave this space, Let light and love fill this place,

            All darkness is banished and may nothing they take

            I am a child of the Goddess and I will be safe

               1. Repeat until you have sage your entire space

  1. Aura: Make a simmer pot for wisdom to help open your mind and explore the things you desire most and how you plan to manifest them. Simmer pot ingredients:
    1. Apples – wisdom
    2. Lavender – release stress and anxiety; chakra alignment
    3. Rosemary – ward off bad energy
    4. Peppermint – clears your head and liberates psychic abilities
    5. Roses – Prophetic dreams
  2. Clean Your Temple: Our body is should be cleansed and pure so that we can feel refreshed and new as we follow the ritual and request the things we desire most. Take a shower or bath. I suggest soaking if you have a bath with something that will help you feel relaxed and cleansed spiritually.
  3. New Moon Milk/Tea: Prepare a drink for your ritual. The moon milks are very calming while creating energy and mind opening experience for the ritual you partaking in. My New Moon Milk recipe:
    1. Dark Chocolate to represent the darkness of the moon
    2. Organic Egyptian Rose Earl Grey Tea
    3. Steamed/heated Oat Milk
    4. Pinch of Lavender
  4. Tarot/Oracle Reading: Do a new moon reading to connect with yourself and open your mind to some of the things you may have not been aware of and things you are aware of and need clarity on. Here’s a favorite New Moon Spread of mine by Brigit Esselmont
  5. Journal & Burn: At this time we have reflected and thought about many things. Do a journaling to reflect what you would like to see in your life in the near future
    1. Write down the things that you would like to see happen in your life.
    2. Write down what steps you plan on taking to manifest these desire into reality
    3. Write down what will happen and how you will feel if you achieve these goals.
    4. Write down anything that is standing in your way of getting what you want on a separate piece of paper.
    5. After you’re done with the final list hold that page in your hand and recite the spell 1x below:

                       Goddess Bastet, protect this space,

                       Remove Darkness and pain from this place,

                       I ask you for your help for protection from those who would do                             harm to me,

                       Goddess Ishtar, I ask that you keep me from war and guide to                             love,

                       Fill my heart emotional strength to overcome the things that may                         stand in my way on my journey,

                      Blessed Be

  1. At this time, you can use a cauldron, fire safe bowl, or a safe fire of some sort to burn the paper as you recite the spell. (Please be extremely safe doing this step.)
  2. When you’re all done turn on meditation music for clearing the mind. I usually do about 30 minutes of attempting to have no distraction, low lighting, and focused breathe work.

That concludes the New Moon in Pisces ritual. Use this to ritual and new moon to gain consciousness of what is to come. Let the calm of the new moon ignite energy that will build up to success by the time we find ourselves at the full moon in the next couple of weeks. Then we can reflect on what we started.

Blessed Be,


Lizzy Love

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